

Bundaberg Branch

Representing the Bundaberg property industry

The branch is an active community of business leaders who are committed to building a better Bundaberg.

The branch has been instrumental in working with the Bundaberg Regional Council through a formal Memorandum of Understanding providing advice and support to stimulate the local economy. Locally, the industry accounts for 6.7 percent of direct regional employment.

Branch events attract attendees from across the Bundaberg business community and provide expert knowledge on the issues facing our community, our region, the state and beyond.

Branch Committee

Branch President


Kenny Festing

Apexx Engineering Consultants

Committee members

Alex Pretorius

MRH Lawyers

Bill Moorhead

Moorhead Family Communities

David Job


Joseph Saunders

RMA Engineers

Rob Sergiacomi

Rob Sergiacomi Consulting

Rose Deering

Coral Waters Estate

Shane Booth

Insite Planning and Surveying

Sharon Golding

Just Us Realty

Tomas O’Malley

Tomas O’Malley Architect

Contact the Bundaberg Branch