
We keep you updated on the important matters affecting our industry. Read through the latest news and updates from the Institute.

Prioritising cultural heritage

The Institute has voiced its support for current legislation that prioritises Aboriginal cultural heritage in our recent response to the Options Paper Review of the Cultural Heritage Acts Stage 1.

New bill proposes big changes

Changes to Project Bank Accounts could have a major impact on developers. The changes are a result of proposals contained in a new bill introduced into Parliament.

Healthy communities supported

The Institute has supported streamlining the proposed mandatory subdivision provisions to a key set of desirable outcomes for new communities.

Keeping out of harm’s way

The introduction of the Queensland Government’s Prohibited Donor Scheme, sometimes called Belcarra, brought in many new restrictions on how members of the development industry could participate in democracy.

Submissions lodged

The Institute responded to a sleigh-load of policy announcements in the busy lead up to Christmas.