
We keep you updated on the important matters affecting our industry. Read through the latest news and updates from the Institute.

Ipad and chart

AIHW housing data dashboard

The Commonwealth-funded Australian Institute of Health and Welfare is continuously updating the content available on their Housing Data Dashboard as new data is released.
Brook Monahan

Member Insight: Mosaic Property Group

Our CEO Kirsty Chessher-Brown chatted with one of the founders of Mosaic Property Group, Brook Monahan, about how their organisation is responding to the pandemic.

UDIA National’s plan to help industry recover

UDIA National has today released ‘Helping Australia Bounce Back’ – an advocacy document that details six strategic steps governments can take now to stimulate housing and construction, and how they fit in the context of our larger policy goals.
Interest rate

Interest rate cut the hot topic

The Reserve Bank’s cut to interest rates and the extent to which it would impact the local development industry was a key topic of discussion at the March meeting of the Toowoomba Branch Executive.
Land Supply

State of the Land

UDIA National’s 2020 State of the Land provides a comprehensive round up of residential activity across the major centres of the country.

Expanding our digital footprint

The dawn of 2020 signals a change of pace for the Institute as we sharpen our focus on connecting members with information online, where and when they need it. The first major cab off the rank is our new website.
Koala Regulation Update

Koala regulations recap

The final mapping and the planning regulations have now been in effect for three weeks with members still realising the true impacts.

2020: What are the projections?

Only 8,482 settled apartment sales were transacted in the year to November 2019, the lowest level of activity seen in at least the last decade.