
We keep you updated on the important matters affecting our industry. Read through the latest news and updates from the Institute.

Seniors Living

Better dispute resolution for Seniors Living

Seniors living disputes could be better resolved by improved mediation arrangements and information, resourcing for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and input by appropriately experienced legal practitioners.
Approved stamp

Understanding the COVID-19 planning arrangements

Recently the Planning Act 2016 (‘the Act’) was amended to allow the Minister to declare applicable events that may affect state interests. These are permanent changes to the Act and can include a variety of scenarios (e.g. natural disasters, health...
Housing estate

Infrastructure Agreements: Key points to understand

Infrastructure Agreements can be complicated. They vary in their purposes, are designed specifically for each situation, and are crucial to ensure all parties, including the developer, are receiving equitable outcomes.
Empty shopping mall

Improvements to draft commercial leases regulations achieved

In concert with the Property Council, the Institute has been able to achieve improvements to the draft Retail Shop Leases and Other Commercial Leases (COVID19 Emergency Response) Regulation 2020 to recognise the changing circumstances in commercial leasing.
Vale Alan Fogg

Vale Alan Fogg

Queensland recently lost a distinguished and highly respected planning lawyer and teacher with the passing of Professor Emeritus Alan Fogg.

UDIA National: Keeping residential transactions

UDIA National has moved swiftly to develop a plan of action, advise government and industry and recommend interventions needed to sustain housing and construction activity during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Water flowing from pipe

Updated contact for QUU water approvals assistance

Queensland Urban Utilities has responded to the Institute outlining measures to support the industry. They have offered industry a 50 percent fee reduction on ‘Extension of currency requests’ for Water Approvals due to expire in the next 12 months.