
We keep you updated on the important matters affecting our industry. Read through the latest news and updates from the Institute.

Women on virtual meeting

Redeploying teams during COVID-19

UDIA member Capstone Recruitment has prepared an industry redeployment guide that is accessible for all industry colleagues.
Man at office desk

COVID-19 highlights the need for regulatory reform

The Institute is focused on protecting industry jobs for members and enabling the industry to get on with projects and has is sought a range of regulatory reforms during this COVID-19 situation.
Foreign Investment Review Board, Gavel

More FIRB reforms proposed

Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) reforms are proposed to commence on 1 January 2021.
Seniors Living

Better dispute resolution for Seniors Living

Seniors living disputes could be better resolved by improved mediation arrangements and information, resourcing for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and input by appropriately experienced legal practitioners.
Fee reduction

Institute welcomes Mackay’s fee reductions

Mackay Regional Council recently announced a 50 percent reduction in development application fees until September 2020 among other COVID-19 initiatives.The Institute congratulates the council on this initiative that is a leading example for councils around Queensland.

Mackay Regional Council releases COVID-19 survey

The Mackay, Isaac, and Whitsunday Regional Councils have released a business survey for all owners to complete. The survey will assist council develop its response to the crisis and plan for the recovery.
Megan Kraft, Fraser Coast Branch President

Branch update from Megan Kraft

In times like these it is important as branch, industry, and community that we band together and pitch in to help everyone get through. We are certainly trying to do this locally at the moment.
Sold sign

Local member sees sales activity soar during crisis

A local developer member in Central Queensland has reported its second busiest month to date amidst COVID-19. Melissa Hytch from Ingenta Property Group delivers on some good news despite uncertainty produced by COVID-19.

Council COVID-19 survey: Share your experience

Fraser Coast Regional Council’s Economic Development team is working to gather information on COVID-19's impact on the local economy and how businesses are responding.
Retaining wall

Institute continues advocacy on retaining walls

Members in the Ipswich region have reported that council’s position had shifted on how earthworks and retaining structures be undertaken and observed potential impacts on housing delivery.